Along with Hashimoto’s, I now had a second autoimmune disease known as Raynaud’s Syndrome. Raynaud’s affects my circulation and causes an excessive reduction in blood flow to my extremities. It comes on quick and painful and can take up to an hour for my fingers to come back to normal feeling. Needless to say, working in the outdoor industry as a climbing and kayaking instructor has been a (painful) game of trial and error. I have more pairs of gloves than anyone would deem necessary living in Queensland, the Sunshine State, but as I have learnt it is better to be safe than sorry.
This kink has been a super positive one. Rich and I are both super excited to throw ourselves back into bouldering as we haven’t done a lot since leaving the forest last year. We are training even harder and working to get even stronger. I’m so stoked that there is a still totally an option for me to keep climbing and more so, that Rich has been so unbelievably supportive and has embraced this change as something awesome too. My biggest problem now is the fact that I have had to switch to decaf which is heartbreaking. I almost feel less of a climber because of it. Many of you may be rolling your eyes right now thinking “Pffft, that’s not a real problem” and to that I would like to quote the late, great Wolfgang Güllich - “A man doesn't go to drink coffee after climbing, coffee is integral part of the climbing.” I rest my case....