Saturday, 3 January 2015

Killing the Dragon...

I wrote the following blog about 3 weeks ago but was unsure as to whether or not I wanted to post it. Since then I’ve learnt that one of my nearest and dearest may be quite ill and it’s made me think about things a little more seriously and so I have decided to share the post. 

I had a really positive response to my last blog and for that I would like to say a big thank you. It has been a massive year. Full of ups and downs, ins and outs and for the most part, super positive. We have learnt, grown, made some fantastic new friends and had some downright rad experiences. Looking forward to 2015, I am really excited to see where our path leads us next. New adventures, different places, stronger bodies and minds and my health will be my number one focus this year. 

I have decided that 2015 will be the year I get off my meds and reverse the two autoimmune diseases. If I am going to spend my time on this earth as a dirtbag climber, and believe me I intend to, I can not be restricted by illness and medications. I know that Hashimotos can be reversed and I am just praying that I have not done too much damage to my fingers already to reverse the Raynauds also. It is going to take a lot of work and regular monitoring but I am confident I can make improvements. 

It has always worried me that during our adventures there will not always be a chemist around to fill my script nor a doctor to give it to me so I need to start getting serious about recovery. Ultimately I would love to go to Thailand and do a 28 day fast accompanied with cleansing, yoga and massage. That however would require about $5000 that I currently do not have so I would like to have a crack at getting well here at home first. Unless of course anyone has a spare $5K they want to donate ;) 

My main goal is just to get my fingers in the best condition they can be. Every climber knows and understands the importance of this. We are currently working a training program to increase finger strength which has been awesome and the results so far are insane. All of this is pointless however if I lose the feeling in my fingers mid climb and I can’t even bear down. 

These past few weeks have reaffirmed the absolute importance of staying healthy. Without our health, everything else lacks substance. You can have all the money in the world but if you don’t have the body to hold up to any of your dream adventures, what’s the point? In the same breath, people work 50, 60, 70+ hours a week to go on one great holiday or put away for their retirement fund; but if at the end of the day you don’t even have the energy to enjoy it, again, was it really worth the stress? I urge everyone to make 2015 the year of living for you. It is not selfish to put yourself first and look after number one when it ultimately means that you can then be a healthier, stronger minded, more focused and committed person. It is win win, because the more you look after yourself, the more you can offer others. Do the things you want to do, that make you happy and get you excited. Be productive and proactive. Revel in the good, learn from the bad. You get one body and one crack at this crazy thing called life so use it or lose it. It’s your choice, choose you. 

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